Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Dallas Snipper Micah Johnson was blacklisted by the Collective Black Power's Movement two years ago for failing background check

Dallas Police Shooting suspect
While United States is revolting in shock and dismay over the last week incidents that culminated in the killing of five police officers by Micah Johnson, it has been revealed Micah was refused membership of an unnamed black movement after he failed background check.

After his "honorable" discharge from the US Army, Micah Johnson sought to be admitted into a liberation movement for blacks' civil rights. However, in line with the modus operandus of the admission process, Ken Moore was asked to investigate Johnson. After a series of investigations and digging into, Johnson was branded "unfit for recruitment" and his application denied in 2014.

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The revelation made by Daily Beast comes in heist of the statement credited to the Dallas Police Chief who stated that Johnson Micah claimed to have carried out his atrocities because "he was upset about Black Lives Matter".  

According to Moore, once an applicant has been blacklisted "by the alert that we put out, that's a wrap". Meaning that the applicant cannot make a successful application to join any affiliate of the Collective Black People's Movement (CBPM) such as the Black Riders Liberation Party and People's New Black Panther Party. The revelations further established that the Dallas shooting was an "unsanctioned" use of arms according to Ken Moore.

Despite the Micah Johnson's rejection, he followed some black nationalists movement on Facebook, one of which is the Black Riders. Apparently he was moved to carry out his act by the post of Black Rider's leader Lakesia Washington on the Facebook page of the group. Before the Thursday demonstration, Lakesia that she "intend to see that our racist oppressors also get a taste of death", calling for the intensification of "our struggle". Her post contains the messages such as "we will die fighting back and we will not die alone" and "we will protect the Black Community with our minds, bodies and souls. BLACK POWER! All Power to the People!"

The rejection of his application to the CBPM had something to do with the discharge of Micah Johnson from the military over sexual assault allegation. It is reported that the deceased assailant was discharged from the Army after 6 years with the military of which he serve some months in Afghanistan in a non-combat mission in 2014. His discharge followed an allegation by a female soldier that he stole her panties. Although the discharge was later reverted to a "honorable" discharge, he was initially recommended to leave the military "dishonorably". 

The events of his discharge may have changed him. According to persons close to him, upon his homecoming from the Army, his behavior changed as he became more reclusive.

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