Wednesday, November 07, 2018

Jeff Sessions Fired; bad optics for President Trump

Trump Fires Jeff Sessions

Trump fires Jeff Sessions as US Attorney General
Wednesday, just a day after midterm election, Trump fires A.G Jeff Sessions. According to a letter disclosed to the press, Trump asked Session for Jeff Sessions" resignation through Chief of Staff, General Kelly.

The news of Attorney General Jeff Sessions firing is not surprising, given Trump's consistent public scolding of the former Attorney General, chiefly because of the AG's recusal from the Russian investigation.


Trump has always blamed Jeff Sessions for the Muller investigation that has beleaguered Trump's first two years in Office. Trump had never shied away from stating that had Jeff Sessions told him he would recuse himself from the Russian Investigation, he would not have appointed him as the Attorney General.
While the news of the firing is not surpirising, the optics is bad. There are certain negative conclusions one may draw from it, when juxtaposed with recent events. Why was Jeff Sessions sacked a day after the Democrats retook control of the House?

Apparently, there is more to the Russian investigation that makes Trump eager to see it fade away. If not, why would  Trump threaten the Democrat's controlled House of Representatives if they went after his business or political dealings? And, why is Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein not made the acting A.G, instead of Jeff Sessions' Chief of Staff, Matthew Whitaker?

The sack of Jeff Sessions has definitely brought back control of the Muller probe to the Office of the Attorney General and away from the control of Rod Rosenstein, the Deputy Attorney General who appears to be independent of Trump's control.

I see, from this political realignment, the eventual shutting down of the Muller investigation. In the best alternative, the imposition of a strict deadline on the investigation so much that the probe will be inconclusive or, where conclusive, the report will not be made public and ineffective.

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