Friday, July 15, 2016

Donald Trump picks Mike Pence as running mate

Mike Pence and Donald Trump Ticket confirmed
After months of intense speculations and suspense, Republican Party Nominee Donald Trump has named Indiana Governor Mike Pence as his running mate for the November 2016 elections.

Mike Pence comes with a baggage of political and administrative experience. He is the current governor of the State of Indiana, but was scheduled to decide on whether he would stand for reelection on Friday before he was officially announced by Trump as his VeePee choice. He had also served on the Congress for 12 years, and was part of the Tea Party Group in the Republican Party.

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Trump made the announcement through his favourite grapevine: Twitter at 10.50 ET on  Friday. The announcement did not however come as a surprise because as of Thursday United States' media organizations were already projecting Mike Pence as the chosen one. But his choice came after so many names had been played up the card as possible VeePee pick, among whom are New Jersey Governor Chris Christie, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich and even a retired General in the US Armed Force Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn.

Trump picks Pence as running mate

Seen as a staunch conservative, Mike Pence's political life  is not bereft of controversies. As governor, he signed into law a bill widely regarded as anti-gay and has been vociferous in pro-life movement, little wonder why the current House Speaker, Paul Ryan described him as "one of those" good movement conservative.

Speaker Ryan made the statement while responding to questions from reporters on Trump Vice President pick on Thursday, he responded by saying that "it is no secret I am a very big fan of Mike Pence, we are very good friends. I have very high regard for him. I hope that he (Trump) picks a good movement conservative [and] clearly Mike is one of them... I hope he makes a good pick and clearly that would be a good one."

Political analysts view Mike Pence pick as Trump's bold step to shore up support from the grass root conservatives who see Trump as no real conservatives. It is assuring the Repblican Party that there would be someone in the Government potentially able to twerk Trump's policy towards a conservative approach in the event he wins the presidency. 

Mike Pence had at some point opposed Trump's position. He was among the top Republicans to endorse Ted Cruz's candidacy when the Presidential hopeful visited Indiana for a campaign. He also condemned Trump's call for Muslim ban "unconstitutional". However, the Clinton campaign however condemned the pick as a combination of birds of a feather, releasing the similarity between Trump and  Mike Pence.

Policy similarity between Trump and Pence

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