Monday, June 20, 2016

Donald Trump fires campaign manager Lewandowski

Trump sack Corey as campaign manager
It appears that all things are not well within the campaign camp of Presumptive Republican Party Nominee, Donald Trump as he on Monday fires his campaign manager, Corey Lewandowski. 

In a terse statement released by the campaign's spokeswoman, Hope Hicks on Monday, 
"The Donald J Trump Campaign for President, which has set a historic record in the Republican primary having received almost 14 million votes, has today announced that Corey Lewandowski will no longer be working with the campaign."
The campaign further  expressed its gratitude to "Corey for his hard work and dedication" and wished him "the best in the future."

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With the Republican Party National Convention due next month, it is believed that the shake-up within the campaign was an effort to refocus the camp to appear more acceptable to the Republican Party. Corey had been at the helm of affairs in the Trump campaign, and helped navigate the Real Estate mogul through a herculean task of clinching the party nomination after other contestants suspended their campaigns following vituperation from Trump himself against their persons or families. However, it is revealed that Lewandowski Corey was thrown in as a pawn to get the Republican Party overwhelming support.

Trump is currently laboured with securing the backing of even some top Republican Party faithfuls after his divisive and slanderous campaign in the build up and through the primaries. At the moment, his campaign is yet to raise enough funds to run the Republican Party through the general elections. Figures released showed that the campaign at the moment has only 2.5 Million US Dollars from donations, compared to over 100 million US Dollars the Mitt Romney's campaign was able  to raise within a comparative period as a result of the refusal of Republican Party's big money pockets to dish out some funds.

In addition to the problem within the Republican Party, Trump has been sliding through the polls, though not surprisingly. His expressions over this period have contributed to the soar his in approval ratings. 

While speaking with CNN, Lewandowski feigned ignorance as to the reason for his removal. "I don't know...I don't know what happened." 

It is reported that Corey is surprised about the sack, however, this is not the first time a top campaign officer is leaving a Republican Party's campaign position because of Trump. By the break of this month, the RNC's Hispanic Director of Media Relations, Ruth Guerra left her position after declaring that she was "uncomfortable" working for the presumptive GOP nominee over his tirades on the Hispanics. 

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