Monday, July 25, 2016

Al Gore to skip DNC Convention, but plans to vote for Hillary Clinton in November

Former Vice President of United States, who deputized for Bill Clinton from 1993- 2001 is voting for Hillary Clinton, though he may not be in Philadelphia for the Democratic National Convention. 

The former Vice President who has been more taciturn with events regarding the Democratic Party primaries and the presidential election in general broke his silence with a tweet. 

His Excellency tweeted; 
               "I am not able to attend this year's Democratic convention, but I will be voting for                      Hillary Clinton."

The Nobel Peace Winner in 2007 for his contributions towards combating climate change and global warming went further to highlight succinctly why he is supporting Hillary's presidency. His reason is mainly on Hillary's experience in public adminsitration and global politics and qualifications. This characteristics significantly distinguishes her from the Republican Party Nominee Donald Trump who had never held any elected position or public office other than piloting the affairs of his numerous business outlets.

 However, he specifically mentions her stance on climate change and global warming, as he stresses his encouragement for others to vote for her too.

His call comes as Hillary's campaign is faced with deafening criticism for most of her activities while in public office, especially with respect with her email scandals. 

But the recent email leaks that revealed that some top DNC officials prejudiced against Bernie Sanders in the build up of the primaries is the real exigent issue belabouring the convention today. However, the prime time speakers lined up by Hillary Clinton are being hoped will give a boost to her presidential chances and dispel some of the controversies. Among Monday's speakers include the First Lady, Michelle Obama, Senator Bernie Sander and Senator Elizabeth Warren.

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