Sunday, February 07, 2016


I would not bore y'all with a critique of the contents of the messages and ideologies of the presidential candidates seeking the nomination of the Republican Party. The nitty-gritty of  the debate is left for the political analysts who are bred in the "business" of analyzing political statement: whatever that entails, I do not know. For the moment, our attention and focus are beamed on one of the peripheral aspects of the  Debate: the introduction, which according to the Guardian "thought" ought to have been the "easy part".
Watching the debate, I was disappointed that the simplest part of the debate was saddled with confusion. Save for the seamless introduction of the Governor of New Jersey: Chris Christie, and probably the former Governor of Florida: Jeb Bush, I think the others followed a "thorny part". Who is to be blamed? The distinguished aspirants or the moderators of the Debate? It is not time to pass a judgement on the organization, therefore I shall refrain from commenting thereon. Back to the "entrance flop".

Did the erudite retired Neurosurgeon not hear his name? Dr. Ben Carson probably did not hear his name being mentioned after that of Chris Christie. On the assumption that he shall be called after Chris Christie made a nascent walk into the charged atmosphere of the Debate venue. However, his "walk of fame" was cut short when Senator Ted Cruz' name was echoed. Gentlemanly, the respected medical doctor stepped back, giving Sen. Cruz space to savor his moment. In my opinion, this was an honest mistake. In the spirit of solidarity, the "Trump" Donald Trump decided to stand by Carson, thus refused to take the stage when he was called in. Florida Senator Marco Rubio then took the stage.

Then walked in a scion of the Bush dynasty: Governor (fmr) Jeb Bush.

However, Dr Carson's name was called at the "end", and he took the stage, together with Mr. Trump.

But wait a minute, did the Moderator forget that the Ohio Governor; John Kingston is also a candidate for the Republican nomination? Perhaps, if he was not prompted by Sen. Rubio, he would not have introduced the distinguished Governor. Well that is just the beginning of the drama, sorry Debate. Let the political analysts take over from here.

For the video, who may click here to watch

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