Thursday, July 07, 2016

Nigerian asylum seeker beaten to death in Italy while defending his girlfriend

Emmanuel Chidi Nnamdi and Chinyere
A Nigerian who until his death was seeking asylum in Italy was beaten to death in the city of Fermo by a 40-year-old unnamed soccer fan known for his racist views.

The victim identified as Emmanuel Chid Nnamdi was on Wednesday killed after being beatne with a road sign pole which left him in an irreversible coma. Emmanuel fled Nigeria after the dreaded Boko Haram terrorist ravaged his country of birth- Nigeria, and had been living in the City of Fermo, at Capodarco Community.

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Apparently fueled by racial bigotry, his assailant attacked Chidi Emmanuel's wife in an attempt to assault her after calling her "African Monkey". When Emmanuel stood in defence of his girlfriend, the attacker pounced on him with a road side pole. 

According to our source, Emmanuel murderer is known for his "racist views", and is in the habit of calling black persons "monkeys".  Emmanuel died from injuries sustained from the attack, while his wife lost his pregnancy as a result too.

"The guy who is allegedly responsible [for the death of Emmanuel] is notorious in town for his racist views. According to the local priest who hosts the refugees, he calls every African a monkey. It is shameful that this has happened in my country,"the source reveals.

The death of Emmanuel Chidi Nnamdi further revealed the threats the Bishop's Seminary in Fermo has been faced with because of its accommodation of refugee. Father Vinicio Albanesi informed our source that the seminary had been a target of bomb attacks. According to the Catholic Church priest, between the months of February and May, about four bombs had been detonated outside Fermo churches, though with minimal damage and no fatality.

The priest expressed his belief that the attacks were meant to deter the Church from catering for refugees and other migrants.

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