Wednesday, November 21, 2018


B.C woman fined 2300 for driving at 215km/hr
The highest speeding ticket to have ever been given to a Canadian driver as of November 2018 was given to a 30-year-old British Columbia woman. She was fined $2,300.


She was fined for driving at 215km/hr in a 110km/hr zone. The incident occurred along Highway 63, north of Boyle Alberta on August 14 at 9 p.m. That means, she was driving 105km/hr above the speed limit.

There were also reports of the same vehicle driving and passing other vehicles on a double solid

According to the relevant highway laws, a speed of 50km/hr above speed limit carries a mandatory court appearance. Unfortunately, the lady who did not appear before the court despite being served, was thus found guilty and fined $2,300.

This is the highest possible fine for speeding.

*She may have gotten a steeper fine had the limit not set.

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