Sunday, June 26, 2016

Serial sire flooded with requests after making public his kind gesture

Serial sire, Ari Nagel
Ari Nagel is generous giver who helps women with his sp*rm. He has been doing the "philanthropy" secretly for while. However, after granting an interview to New York Post, the 40-year old maths professor  has been inundated with requests for donations.

In the interview with New York Post, Nagel revealed that he professionally started se men donation about 8 years ago after he tried helping a single straight Jewish woman conceive. Initially he intended a friend of his to make donations, but after the friend showed signs of not being comfortable with the arrangement, he swapped positions and made the donations instead.

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"I actually tried to fix her up. I had a friend who I thought would be a better match as a spe*m donor, he got cold feet at the last minute." He told New York Post. 

Afterwards, he joined the "Known Donor Registry", a free website for persons seeking spe*m donors, and has since fathered over 22 children with about 12 women. According to him, these women include single, divorced and married women, as well as lesbians.

Although he had been sued for child support by some of the ladies he had helped father their children, he said he loves "seeing how happy moms and kids are. It's the gift that keeps on giving."

However, ever since he made these revelations, he has been surged with messages from ladies who appreciate his features. He is a six-feet-two-inches, blue-eyed handsome man. And he tries to help his admirers. According to Ari Nagel, he does not deny requests. Perhaps he would find ways to help the over 100 women whose requests are waiting upon him in his inbox.

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