Wednesday, June 15, 2016



                                                                                    Oh Africa
                                                                                    Oh Africa

Terrorism in Africa
When a thousand is gunned down on the street and the world look on as just a normal
When hunger and disease plague us and no audacious aid is called in prompt defense of the afflicted

 I weep for Africa
The land blessed with substantial natural resources that its blessings have kept on being scrambled for since its partition at the Berlin Conference
                                                                                    I mourn for Africa
Longest serving African leader

    When our leaders perpetuate themselves in power      to enrich their patrimonial purse and neglect the       cries of the improvised
    When our monies are looted and laundered to the     foreign lands by the rulers and then loaned back       to us as sovereign debts by the foreign banks

    I weep for Africa
    I mourn for Africa

Brain drain in Africa
Our best brains exit the continent to make inventions for the world only to the glory of their countries of migration
Education at home gets less funded and yet the funds allocated are looted to no improvement of the sector

Oh Africa
I weep
I mourn

                                                                                   Brother kill brother and let foreign religion                                                                                              separate us despite divine connection
                                                                                   I weep 'cause in the foreign land; from Europe to                                                                                    America, a death of one brings grief to all, but not                                                                                    in Africa
                                                                                   In Africa, we hackney we Sharpeville
                                                                                   Oh Africa in sojourn, I wail.
                                                                                   When shall we reach our destination?

This poem is written by an anonymous guest blogger and rights activist of African heritage.

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