Sunday, June 12, 2016

Orlando Shooting: Omar Mateen was a 29 year old that married at the age of 22 and had homophobic feelings

As we woke up today devastated with the news of the Orlando nightclub shooting that has left over 50 persons dead and 53 seriously injured, we have been  personally anguished due to the magnitude of the loss involved.
The shooting was at 1912 South Orange Avenue, Pulse Nightclub, usually patronized by gays and had about 320 persons at the time of the incident.

The shooter who has been identified as Omar S. Mateen is an American New Yorker born to an Afghanistan immigrants. He helld a Florida security officer license and also a state firearms license. His latest security post was at St. Lucie at a Courthouse. He intended to become a police officer, after working as a correction officer at juvenile delinquent facility

There are speculations that there maybe a link between the shooter and one of the radical Islamic groups, since the shooter was a Muslim who had at some point being under FBI investigations in 2013 and 2014 though the investigations were inconclusively closed. The FBI was not able to pin him on their watch-list. It is also revealed that he called 911 himself, were he introduced himself, highlighting his links and allegiance to ISIS.

The shooter was a security guard for 9 years. And got married at the age of 22 to Sitora Yusufiy in a marriage that lasted for only 4 months. Mateen, who killed his victims with a gun capable of revolving out about 700 rounds of bullets in a minute (an assault rifle) and a handgun, was an ardent Muslim who attended a neighborhood mosque at least thrice in a week, and last went to the mosque two days before the shooting. As a security guard he had some minor training with guns, and eligible to carry a pistol. He was however shot dead after a shoot-out with the police after a hostage situation.

Although every lead is currently acted upon as speculations, but his ex-wife gave a press release some moments ago highlighting that the shooter had mental illness, as he was irascible and most times "beat" her up, though she stated that Mateen "seemed like a normal human being". She further revealed that the shooter was a loner:
"He was a very private person," she said. 
She however confessed that the shooter had a history with steroid, but added that shooting is unconnected to any religious belief. The marriage was short and they had not communicated for 7 years as of the time of the incident.

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From another statement released by another close family member, Mateen's father, there is also suspicion that the shooting was a hate campaign against the gay community. His father revealed that his son would get angry once he saw two men kissing or got intimate. Speaking to NBC News, Mir Seddique, Mateen's father added thus:
"We were in downtown Miami, Bayside, people were playing music. And he saw two men kissing each other in front of his wife and kid and he got very angry".
At the moment, there are two main suspicion: was the Orlando nightclub shooting linked to Islamic extremism or was it a hate instigated shooting aimed against the LGBT community?

In a statement released by the President of the United States, the President summarized the attack as "an act of terror and hate". In the words of the President,
"Although it's still early in the investigation, we know enough to say that this was an act of terror and an act of hate"
On the orders of the President, the American flag is currently flying a half-staff, signifying the mourning state of the nation.

 Whether or not there is a link between the shooting and ISIS, it is known that ISIS and most terrorist groups have a strong hatred for gay relationship and have spoken heavily against this. Therefore, the two: terror and hate, may be linked. But this further raises concern about the ready availability of guns: what kind of gun should be freely available to civilian citizens?

At the time of the report, only 7 of the dead have identified. The FBI have swooped on the residence of Mateen on an evidence gathering mission

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