Wednesday, June 01, 2016


Jobs and recession
Many countries are currently facing economic downturn, amidst commodity price rise, especially countries with great dependency on revenue from oil exports. Such countries include Nigeria, Brazil, Russia, Venezuela, and Greece, to mention but a few. However, the cause of the downturn is not monopolized by the plunge in oil prices, as some non-oil exporters get featured in the list. Some of the causes, as may be deduced from the characteristics of some of the countries threatened by recession include domestic violence or terrorism, corruption by public office holders (embezzlement of public funds), drop in the prices of most of their exports and, sometimes, international trade embargo on their exports.

For instance, Brazil's major problem may have resulted from the mismanagement of the economy, corruption by public office holders and the plunge in the price of iron ore, one of its major exports. Venezuela derives its economic downturn partly from the plunge in oil price, same with Russia who in addition to the woes caused by the fall of oil price faces trade restrictions from the European Union and the United States. Nigeria suffers from internal civil unrest, caused by the Boko Haram terrorism, and the rejuvenated militancy in the Niger Delta region which has seen reduction in oil production, an inept government as well as the fall in oil price. 

The above may not be exhaustive of the causes of low economic growth or recession. It does not explain the low economic growth in Ireland, Finland or even the debt-trodden Greece. However, despite whatever the cause may be, it is obvious that there will be a corresponding reduction in expenses. The government most times employ an austere budgetary measure, embracing cut in government expenses. In the same vein, as a result of cash crunch, businessmen, entrepreneurs and investors would resort to avenue to balance their financial statements to ensure that their expenses do not exceed their income.

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How to Keep your job
With respect to business organizations, one of the key ways of reducing expenses is to cut their overhead cost such as administrative costs, including wages and salaries. Therefore, either they propose a reduction in their employee's respective salaries or they seek to reduce their workforce. In the event the second option is chosen, it is anticipated that many would lose their job.

In deciding to reduce their workforce, the Human Resource Department looks to focus on redundancy, sacking the employees that contribute less to the organization or whose potentials cannot be optimized further.

It is for this reasons that employees should  endeavor to be part of the lucky ones that would retain their job positions. Below are thus some of the techniques an employee may employ in order to remain a viable option for his/her employer and avoid losing his/her job:

1. Know Your Boss: Who is your boss? What are the characteristics of persons he has affinity for? The end is knowing the rules of the game and playing by. It is called office politics. Sometimes, it is not the most hardworking that is rewarded, but the one who is seen as bringing in the result although the results were not products of his personal efforts. 

This is not to say that employees do not reward hardwork, as we will reveal in subsequent items, they do. Rather, where the organization is such big that personal interactions between the boss and his/her subordinate that elusive, they bosses tend to focus on the goal-getter without paying much attention to how the goal was attained, insofar as no policy was flouted. 

The entire process boils down to knowing the preferences of your bosses, and working pursuant to those preferences. Play the politics, and get the affection of your boss, especially your direct line manager or supervisor. In doing so, when there is a call for the submission of names for retrenchment, your name would be omitted from the list. Play your way to the heart of your boss to retain that job.

2. Be Efficient: Always avoid the cache "I tried", which depicts vain or fruitless efforts. You cannot be saying you tried without any meaningful results to the betterment of the business objectives of your employers. An employee is not employed to just try, but as a tool towards the ultimate achievement of the purpose of the organization.

Just trying without results exposes your inefficiency at the job, and speaks volume of your lack of skills, technical know-how or even a raw knowledge of your job description. And it will be not be long before you get "We appreciate your efforts, but we need someone to get us the results". This signals the end of your employment with the organization.

Therefore, efficiency is not debatable. And to avoid this tag, reach out, obtain the knowledge, get the skills, improve yourself and get more experience. Make your services near indispensable that sacking you would be difficult call for your employers. Stand out!

3. Volunteer to do other Duties, aside your Job Description: There may be instances where a duty that falls outside your job description may arise either due to its novelty in the establishment, or the tight schedule of the appropriate office whose duty it should, consequently creating a lacuna. In such situations, there will be need, depending on the urgency, for some officers to carry out the function pending the availability of the appropriate office. Whatever, the call is, if it is something you can do effectively, take up the responsibility. This way, you are creating an impression in the minds of your supervisors.

Taking care of your primary job description gets you going, but taking extra outside-your-line functions get you noticed and most times appreciated. Consequently, it will be difficult for your name to feature in the "black list". Your fame will overshadow, and your redundancy will never be imagined.

4. Be Innovative: When applying for most job opening, I have always featured "innovative" and "ability to work with less supervision" as my most remarkable assets. I am cocksure that these contribute to getting me the job.

Just as these give you a foot within the organization, you must portray these assets while in the organization, it is one of the things that would also keep you in the establishment. Just as you are given your job description upon resumption, ensure that you checklist them each day. Be proactive in ascertaining when your efforts are needed within the organization. Do not wait to be prompted by your manager. 

Since you are aware of your job description, do your part in concert to furthering the strategic plan of the organization, and ensure that your contribution is felt.

5. Finally, Let Your Work Speak For You: Most people are known to be garrulous, revealing their intentions before acting. 

One thing is certain in a workplace, everyone is in competition; for promotion, for salary raise and for job retention. Therefore, each person would ideally strive to out do one another. In such situation, revealing your plan would not be ideal. Rather, endeavor to implement your ideas before trumpeting them. 

In summary, the rule or retrenchment and redundancy used to be "last in, first out"; meaning that the last person to be employed should have his/her employment determined in the event of redundancy. However, the rule appear to be outdated, as the employer, supervisor or Human Resource Department take factors, like the measure of ones' contribution to the objective of the organization seriously when considering to sack an employee or some employees. Abiding, by the above rules may keep you years away from losing your treasured job. 

(this piece does not serve as a legal advice, nor does Betainformed Blog bear any legal responsibility therefrom) 

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