Thursday, June 02, 2016

Bronx Man Arrested For Beating to Death Wife' Suspected Rapist

Diallo Mamadou Mugshot

Mamadou Diallo may be in trouble for coming to the rescue of his wife after he was alerted by his wife's call.

According to our source, the Sixty-One-year-old man was outside his apartment, Monday night, when he received a call from his wife of suspected rapist who broke into their house and attempted to rape her.

According to the source, the suspected rapist, who has been identified as a 43-year-olf Earl D. Nash, upon breaking into the apartment, attempted forcing his way into the precious bosom of the woman by beating her brutally, striking her on her head and ripping her clothes off. However, the woman persevered in her struggle, fought him off, and called her husband who came to her rescue.

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Upon arrival, it was reported that Mr. Diallo furiously beat up Nash to his death. Investigations thus far reveals that Diallo met Nash by the hallway of the sixth floor of their apartment, punched him multiple times, leaving him with severe head and body trauma. Visuals from the surveillance cameras inside his Washington Avenue residence showed that Earl was beaten by a tire ore continuously by Diallo, as the visuals also showed that some hours before the incident, Mr Nash was lurking around the precincts of the builidng.

Nash was subsequently pronounced dead at the hospital, leading to the arrest of Mr. Diallo for manslaughter.

 He has since been charged to court, with a manslaughter charge. Upon arraignment at the Bronx Criminal Court, Tuesday, Mr. Diallo pleaded not guilty to charge and was released on his own recognizance. While the case is to be decided by a grand jury, Diallo, described as a hard working taxi driver by some, claimed self defence. "Sef-defence. He threatened my wife. He threatened my wife", he screamed as he was being transported from the 42nd Precincts in handcuffs.

While it is doubtful whether the self-defence plea will fly as the danger was already over at the time of his violent reaction, it is also believed that provocation may be a fallible defence for assault and may not also fly for murder. In the best case scenario, it may lead to reduction of punishment if found guilty. This stance is supported my the statement of Mr. David Schwart, a legal expert, who stated that "the police had to charge Diallo with manslaughter case because the bottom line was the danger was already over".

His attorney however called the attack on Diallo's wife an attack on the entire Diallo's family under extreme circumstances. However, the judge arraigned Diallo on an assault and possession of weapon charges, while leaving it up to the grand jury to decide Diallo's fate regarding the manslaughter charge.

Diallo Mamadou record reads that he is a taxi-driver with 14 prior arrests and a conviction for selling hard drugs and bribery. He served five years from 2006 to February 2011, but went back to jail in April 2011 and released July 2015.

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