Tuesday, May 17, 2016


The Rio Olympics has a lot of factors that make should make it a great sporting outing: The least being that this would be the first time the Olympics games in modern time would be held in the South American Continent.

Brief history of the Olympics

Before the modern “observation” of the Olympic Games rituals, the Olympic may be traced back to 776 BC, up until 393 A.D when the games were banned by Emperor Theodosius for being part of the “pagan cults”[1]

Historical records suggest that the games were in dedication to the Olympian gods lead by Zeus, and observed on the Valley of Olympia in Ellis (which had the statute of Zeus). At that time, it began with a one-stadium race, till 724 B.C when a two-stadia race was instituted,[2] before we got to this stage of multi-sporting activity which includes tracks, soccer, basketball, etc. 

In fact, the Olympic Games is now an avenue to showcase new sporting activities or games to the world  or to rejuvenate extinct sport to the delight of spectators and fans. The modern Olympic Games was revived in 1896 in Athens. The Olympics is now played in two segments: the Summer and Winter games, reason being to accommodate some of the games which needed specific and peculiar environment, such as skating, luge, tobogganing, skiing, ice-hockey, bobsledding and biathlon, etc. 


However, the Winter and Summer segments are no longer played within the same calendar year, beginning from 1994, but alternated biennially. The Winter Olympics was first played separately in 1994, with Summer Olympics in 1996 at Atlanta USA. This separation rebirthed the Olympics as known in the 21st Century.
The Rio Olympics is officially a Summer Olympics, since the last Winter Olympics was played in Sochi in 2014. 

However, the RIO Olympics has two peculiar specificities:

A. It will be the first time the Olympics will be held in the South American continent since the institution of the Olympics, whether in modern or ancient time. The Olympics have traveled to almost all the continents with the exception of the South America and Africa, and some countries like United States, France, Canada, United Kingdom, Germany, Canada, Japan and Italy have had the privilege of hosting the either the Winter or Summer Olympics more than once. 


In fact, some cities have been graced with the Olympics more than once, with London blazing the trail with three hosting in 1908, 1948 and 2012 (it would have been four time if not for the World War II that led to the cancellation of the London Olympics, 1944), the South American continent is just getting opportunity to be so graced. Unfortunately, this opportunity is not coming without some twists which shall consider hereinafter.

B. Another peculiarity of the Rio Olympics is that despite being a Summer Olympics, it shall be held in the thick of Brazil’s winter season which lasts from June to September. 

While the temperature may not drop as low as it would have been had the event being in Russia or Canada, it does not detract from the fact that the games in August would be amidst the Brazil’s winter. It would not still be a bad idea to refer to the Rio Olympics as "Summter Olympics". This situation may be helpful in solving one of the problems that fans and tourists may encounter in Rio come August.

Problems facing the Rio Summter Olympics

However, with the Summter Olympics still anticipated, a couple of factors appear to been saddling the smooth preparation of the Olympics and its success, chief among these factors include the Zika virus epidemic and the political tension of the host country.

The Zika Virus

Zika Virus
The outbreak of the Zika Virus had been widely reported with its horrific effect on fetus’ development

The virus can be transmitted from mother to her fetus and between adults through sexual intercourse. The dreaded consequence of the virus manifests in its effect on new born babies who may contract the virus through their mothers prior to their birth. The virus has been linked to the rampancy of microcephaly in the babies born in affected regions.

Brazil appears to be one of the nations that is heavily hit by the outbreak of the virus, raising concerns over the safety and health of the fans, tourists and  spectators who are expected to temporarily migrate into the country for the games. The City of Rio de Janeiro has itself been host to about 27000 suspected case, and is said to have an incident rate that is among the highest in the country. Consequently, some experts have called for the Games to be rescheduled either by changing its date or venue.

Just recently, a Canadian health expert, biologist and professor, Amir Attaran has argued that the Games may hasten the spread of the virus through out the world in the light of the diversity of the expected visitors. He lamented that since Rio is at the "heart" of the outbreak, it is "deplorable" and "dangerous" for the IOC to permit the Olympics games to go on in Rio, as this would enable the spread of the virus and make it difficult for scientists to effectively study the virus. Attaran concluded by stating that "with [the] stakes, ... the [Rio] Olympics are no game at all".

Also, about 188 doctors about 188 doctors, health experts, scholars and policymakers have  reiterated, through a recent letter addressed to Dr. Margaret Chan, Director-General WHO, the concerns enunciated by Professor Amir Attaran. They call for the sporting event to either be postponed or moved to another location, citing "greater concern ... for global health".
 They state thus;
We are writing to express our concern about the upcoming Olympic and Paralympic Games in Rio de Janeiro. WHO’s declaration of Zika as a “Public Health Emergency of International Concern,” coupled with new scientific findings that underscore the seriousness of that problem, call for the Rio 2016 Games to be postponed and/or moved to another location—but not cancelled—in the name of public health
They have collectively raised concerns about the strain of the Zika virus found in Brazil, which they described have defiled science:
"The Brazilian strain of Zika virus harms health in ways that science has not observed before."
They describe the insistence of the IOC to continue as scheduled with the Olympics at Rio as an "unnecessary risk" to "500,000 foreign tourists from all countries [that may] attend the Games, potentially acquire that strain, and return home to places where it can become endemic". 

In reaction to the statements of the health experts, the WHO has issued a series of guidelines to tourists on how to reduce the probability of contracting the virus. 

According to the information posted on its website, the WHO has advised tourists to adhere to the advice provided by WHO and their countries' health authorities, protect themselves from mosquitoes by using insect repellents and wearing light-coloured clothes, practice safe sex, choose air-conditioned accommodation and avoid visiting over-crowded areas.

However, some optimist have highlighted that since the Games would be held in Brazil's winter season, there may be a reduction in the spread of the virus given that the weather condition will deter the breading of the vector mosquitoes.


The political instability is another factor that is contributing to the precariousness of the Rio Olympics. 

Following the suspension of its President, Rousseff, there are speculations that this might put a halt to the preparation of the Olympics and possibly lead to its rescheduling. 

However, the International Olympic Committee and the Rio Local Organizing Committee have both put to rest this speculation by insisting that the suspension of Rousseff will not affect the Games which "preparations ...have now entered into a very operational phase". The IOC President added that issues like the suspension "have much less influence", and remained confident that the Games will be successful in August.
Brazilian soccer Star Rivaldo

However, the political instability which has witnessed the emergence of Temer as the interim leader of Brazil suffers from the problem of continuity. With the appointment of a non-medical officer/expert as the health minister, there are concerns that the present administration may not be able to handle the peculiar issues of the Olympics, especially the Zika issue, effectively. 

Further to that, the gravest implication of this concern besides the issue of the effective management of the Zika virus is security. With the Brazilian economy nearing recession coupled with the violent reactions from citizens, there are concerns that the political upheaval may be unsafe for tourist. 
Even respected former Brazilian star had joined voices to a host of other critiques in warning tourists to stay away from Rio.
With just 80 days to the start of a historic Olympic games, it appears that the coast is not yet clear.

[1] History of the First Ancient Olympic Games, May 16, 2016 online <www.olympic.org>
[2] Brief History of the Olympics Games, May 16, 2016 online <www.nostos.com>


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