Sunday, May 29, 2016

Husband Shoots Male Doctor After He Helped Deliver Wife Of Baby In Saudi Arabia

A furious Saudi Arabian father shot the doctor who helped his wife give birth because a man instead of a woman was present in the delivery room, it has been reported.

Dr Muhannad Al-Zabn was gunned down after meeting the husband for what he believed was a thank you for managing a successful delivery.

The two met in the garden of the King Fahad Medical City in the Saudi capital of Riyadh and mid-conversation the angry man pulled out a gun from underneath his jacket and fired at the doctor, the Gulf News website said.

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The husband, who has not been named in reports, was later arrested by police after fleeing the scene.

Photographs purporting to show Dr Al-Zabn in intensive care, where he is said to be in a stable condition following the shooting, have been posted on social media.

Women and men are segregated in Saudi Arabia from a young age. Under the country’s ultra-conservative brand of Islam, Wahhabism, women are also banned from driving and required to have a male guardian.

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