Sunday, February 14, 2016


Happy Val!!
Valentine Day, which ought to be a day set aside to commemorate the life and death of a Catholic saint; Valentine. 

Before I proceed with the gist of the day, I may need to give us a background understanding of the origin of the "Day" as I have come to understand it. 

Many mythologies have been advanced as the origin of the celebration, however one has stood out as the most commonly replicated and told story: Valentine was a priest who performed the sacrament of Holy matrimony to the roman soldiers against sovereign dictates.
As a result, he was imprisoned. While in prison, legend has it that he healed the daughter of one of his jailers; Asterius, and possibly fell in love with her that at the time of his execution, he wrote a letter to the damsel and concluded with the closure: "Your Valentine".

Thus, the statement: "would you be my valentine" or "I am your valentine" which is widely used by youths during the valentine celebration, emanated from that letter. 

Valentine has thus been synonymous with love, especially among youths.

However, the love which is shared on this day is quite distinct from the natural agape love which Christianity professes. Rather, it is saddled with "pleasure" and "passion". Hence, the suspicion that the highest rate of sexua/ int3rcourse is witnessed on this day.

Many ladies have their hymen broken on this day, while many boys lose their chastit+.

That is the story of this young Nigerian boy who vowed to be chaste until marriage. But that was not to be, he gave it all up on a Valentine day celebration with a girl. The transitory of the love is profound, as the two former lovebirds are no longer in contacts with each other.

That is just the beginning of the story. Stay tuned as I render the details of the event in the next coming post. Meanwhile, Happy Valentine celebration!!!


1 comment:

kamoru said...

Whatever you will do , let it conform to the will of God .